We join the campaign #iopagoifornitori
We join the campaign #iopagoifornitori (I pay the Suppliers) promoted by the Industrial Association of Brescia and, therefore, we respect […]
TACCHI HD/3 1600
The new lathe allows us to perform mechanical finishing both on the external and on the internal surface.
EGYPS 2020
We will partecipate to EGYPS 2020, Cairo - 11÷13 February
50 tons travelling bridge crane in the new production facility.
We have reached the 50 tons, a new step that significantly […]
The new grinding machine by Cena Interpipes for all products, such as pipes, bars, naval shafts, hydraulic cylinder stems, colums […]
VERNE Project is an European research project in the frame of HORIZON 2020 program.
The focus of this project is to […]
New Honing Machine ABU 600
Our new honing machine ABU 600 has just been installed and ready to work!
- Dimensional range : ID from Ø […]
Optimization of the production process
The production process for the mechanical machining of special components and shafts with lengths exceeding 12 meters has been optimized. The main advantages for the customers concern an increase in flexibility and a decrease in costs and delivery time. The optimization of our work and the attention to the customer’s needs are the focus of our business, since we are committed to enhancing our resources for the benefit of our customers.
Expansion/increasing of the production range (January 2017)
Cena Interpipes has increased its production range, which is nowadays able to process internal diameters of tubes, shafts, cylinders and mechanical components up to Ø 1200 mm even in a single solution for lengths of up to 22 meters
Tube Duesseldorf 2016
Even in 2016, as for the previous editions, Cena Interpipes exhibits at Tube Duesseldorf 2016, the most important world exhibition dedicated to the tubular products. We thank all those who visited our booth on this occasion.
The new standards are the most effective means for an always better business management. The proper context and the risk assessment for each business field raise the qualitative level of Cena Interpipes and place even more in the foreground the attention to the respect of the current international standards.
Boring up to 18 meters
One solution boring up to 18 meters for offshore application.
Tube Duesseldorf
Cena Interpipes takes part to Tube Duesseldorf Edition 2014 and consolidates its position on the market.
We thank you all visitors […]
Photovoltaic plant installation
On June 2012 Cena Interpipes inaugurates the new photovoltaic power plant of 520 KW.
This is an important sign of Cena […]